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About Elle W Silver 

My life has been well spent in the company of books. I have learned what works and what doesn’t. From these lessons, I have come up with a one-of-a-kind book editing process that I developed in response to my clients’ very unique needs. What you’ll get from me is more than just editing. I will guide you through the changes that you need to make and together we will produce the best manuscript possible. I will be there with you every step of the way until you get that traditional publishing deal or you upload the manuscript to whatever self-publishing platform you’re using.

I understand the elements of plot and story structure in a comprehensive way through years of study and application of the strategies I have learned. You see, I am a writer myself so I have a unique perspective of how difficult, rewarding, and sometimes painful the writing process can be. If you choose me as your editor, I will bring this unique perspective to your writing style and help you bring it to life.

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